Sunday, October 11, 2009

Goal Manager

Last week when I did soccer I scored two goals. Emily scored two goals too. Emily is a girl in our ward. My team's called the Rockets. It was like 2 degrees outside. That game Kyle was muscley because he had his coat on under his jersey. For the snack we had Oreos, a drink, and chips. I scored two goals in the last game too. That kid thats trying to kick the ball away from me is Tyler my friend. That game Emily passed to me and I scored a goal.


  1. Way to go Blake...You must get your goal kicking skill from somewhere other than your grandma linda...I have a hard time walking...remember when I fell while I was in England! Grandma Linda

  2. Uncle Ben is going to think that's the coolest thing ever. Playing soccer in England. Nice job on all the goals!

  3. Nice work on the goal Blake! and who is this Emily girl? is she your girlfriend?!!

  4. Now when you say you had you mean potato chips or french fries? Cause I can never tell with you Brits.

  5. KEEP POSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. hello people i know that i haven't been blogging for a while but now i am
